
Snowflake alter user

Snowflake alter user. Create a user¶ A Snowflake user has login credentials. Users can still log into Snowflake using their Snowflake credentials. alter schema ユーザーは、 alter user を使用して現在のデフォルト名前空間を指定または変更できます。 さらに、セッションを開始(つまり、ログイン)した後、ユーザーは USE DATABASE または USE SCHEMA を使用してセッションの名前空間を変更できます。 Some of the Supported Snowflake Clients allow using encrypted private keys to connect to Snowflake. Procedural logic using Snowflake Scripting. Individual users can use this command to alter specific properties and any session parameter defaults for themselves. alter projection policy. Revokes the role from the specified role. alter password policy. the database role with the OWNERSHIP privilege on the database role), or a higher role, can execute this command. Snowflake stores the tag and its string value as a key-value pair. Snowflake also supports rotating public keys in an effort to allow compliance with more robust security and governance postures. Here is an example SQL that does this (note we must exclude the user SNOWFLAKE always): SELECT distinct user_name. Specifies the identifier for the role to revoke. Only the role with the OWNERSHIP privilege on the user, or a higher role, can execute this command. It seems like "use secondary roles" is the solution to this problem, combining permissions from all assigned roles so the user doesn't have to switch between them. Use the ALTER SHARE command to add one or more accounts access to the share. Call to a stored procedure. If you keep the original account URL, it is When you run a query Snowflake also cached data on the cluster SSD drives. Currently, the only supported operations are renaming a role or adding/overwriting/removing a comment for a role. ALTER USER. Enabling and managing database replication and failover. Note that secondary roles enable you to perform SQL actions using the combined privileges of the other roles granted to you. Currently, Snowflake OAuth supports the following applications: If Tableau Server is connecting to Snowflake using private connectivity to the Snowflake service, you need to use a custom security integration rather than the integration designed for a partner application. Navigate to Admin » Warehouses. Shares are named Snowflake objects that encapsulate all of the information required to share a database. Snowflake sequences currently utilize the following semantics: All values generated by a sequence are globally unique as long as the sign of the sequence interval does not change (e. As listed in the documentation, a task can execute any one of the following types of SQL code: Single SQL statement. Modifies the properties for an existing database. In either case, they can only choose from roles that have been explicitly granted to them. Specifies the identifier for the sequence to alter. If the user is missing a public key fingerprint, execute the ALTER USER command to set these properties. a run with an EXECUTING state in the TASK_HISTORY output) is completed. For example, the number of existing objects is less than the specified limit. Each user listed must have a verified email address. alter iceberg table. Expand Post. User-Defined and External Functions. Run with the warehouse provisioned by the app owner. Streamlit apps adhere to the following rules within a session: Run with the privileges of the owner, not the privileges of the caller. As a consequence, there are two scenarios of user-errors that can lead to the issue To comply with ANSI standards, this function can be called without parentheses. If you are updating this for a single user or a handful of users, role ownership can be transferred using the Grant Ownership command: Grant ownership on user <username> to role <new_role>; A limitation of the Grant Ownership command is that it does not work for bulk grants on users. String that specifies the identifier for the task; must be unique for the schema in which the task is created. users who should only have access to Snowflake for a limited time period). The old acronyms do not work currently except for GMT, UTC. I am unable to add a new display name. When the session expires, the user must authenticate to Snowflake again. alter function. “Mary Smith”). FROM snowflake. Setting MIN_DATA_RETENTION_TIME_IN_DAYS does not alter or replace the DATA_RETENTION_TIME_IN_DAYS parameter value. Optionally limits the maximum number of rows returned. Snowflake returns a NULL value if this Parameters. Find the warehouse, and select . Find the active account, and select . Overview of warehouses. password (String, Sensitive) WARNING: this will put the password in the terraform Parameters. The minimum configurable idle timeout value for a session policy is 5 minutes. If a Customer is uncomfortable having the Snowflake user in their account, they can perform the following steps to disable the SNOWFLAKE user: SHOW USERS; -- Confirm that SNOWFLAKE user does not All privileges (alphabetical) The following privileges are available in the Snowflake access control model. Alter a network policy named mypolicy1 as follows: Retain the existing allowed list (all IP addresses in the range of 192. alter secret. Set Outgoing name ID format to: Email. Snowflake does not recommend choosing this value for a default account-level password policy or for any user-level policy. ウェアハウスのサイズを元のサイズに戻すには、別の ALTER WAREHOUSE コマンドを実行する必要があります。. Snowflakeは、接続情報とともに送信された秘密キーに基づいて、認証用の正しいアクティブな公開キーを検証します。 ALTER USER コマンドを使用し、ユーザープロファイルから古い公開キーを削除します。 Oct 20, 2023 · First, we need to define the SQL command that will retrieve the list of users from the LOGIN_HISTORY table who have not logged in for the last 90 days. Here we are going to rename an existing username in the system. The USE command cannot be used to change the session context in a Snowsight worksheet. Create a rule for transforming incoming claims: Click Add Rules and select Transform an Incoming Claim. role with the OWNERSHIP privilege on the network policy) or higher can execute this command. DISPLAY_NAME = 'Bert Cooper'. Specifies the identifier for the UDF to alter. Snowflakeは多要素認証(つまり、 MFA)をサポートしており、Snowflakeに接続するユーザーのログインセキュリティを強化しています。. The actual number of rows returned night be less than the specified limit. Identifiers enclosed in double quotes are also case Os usuários individuais podem executar o comando ALTER USER em si mesmos (isto é, especificando seu nome de usuário/identificador no comando) e alterar o seguinte: DEFAULT_WAREHOUSE. alter model add version. It seems that you're able to set the default timezone for the account with ACCOUNTADMIN role with alter account: show parameters like 'TIMEZONE%' in account; alter account set timezone = 'Europe/Helsinki'; show parameters like 'TIMEZONE%' in account; A full list of timezones can be found from time zone list. : Select Admin » Accounts. This article covers the ways to do so. In addition, after starting a session (i. Minimum number of clusters, equal to or less than the maximum (up to 10). 100 to the allowed list. セッションは、IDプロバイダー(つまり IdP)セッションから独立しています。. Use the GRANT <privilege> . Specifies the new identifier for the sequence; must be 単一の alter ステートメントで複数のパラメーターをリセットできます。ただし、各プロパティはカンマで区切る 必要があります 。プロパティをリセットするときは、名前のみを指定します。プロパティの値を指定すると、エラーが返されます。 Manually add partitions in a specified location for the partition columns: ALTER EXTERNAL TABLE et2 ADD PARTITION(col1='2022-01-24', col2='a', col3='12') LOCATION '2022/01'; Snowflake adds the partitions to the metadata for the external table. Set Outgoing claim type to: Name ID. If you try to write / set that property it will fail with invalid property 'rsa_public_key_fp' for 'USER': Task 3: Create users. NOTE: Snowflake personnel are not able to modify this setting. columns/properties to modify) in the statement. L’un de leurs paramètres de session par défaut. Specifies whether RSA public key used for key pair authentication has been set up for the user. Revokes the role from the specified user. The following lists the high-level steps to configure and use Dynamic Data Masking in Snowflake: Grant masking policy management privileges to a custom role for a security or privacy officer. The tag must be unique for your schema, and the tag value is always a string. The next time the user logs into Snowflake, the default role is automatically active in the session. ALTER ROLE. If the identifier contains spaces, special characters, or mixed-case characters, the entire string must be enclosed in double quotes. In Classic Console, you can do the following: Select Account » Billing & Usage. Qualquer um de seus padrões de parâmetros de sessão. login_name (String) The name users use to log in. In Snowsight, you can do the following: Select Admin » Usage. For more details, see Usage Notes (in this topic). The following privileges are available. Select Average Storage Used and then select Fail Safe to view only Fail-safe storage usage. The user object property MINS_TO_BYPASS_NETWORK_POLICY defines the number of minutes in which a user can access Snowflake without conforming to an existing network policy. This parameter must be used with the WAREHOUSE_SIZE parameter, otherwise an exception will be thrown. Granting access on a secure UDF or secure view that contains this function to a share is allowed. Usage notes. . Dropped network policies cannot be recovered; they must be recreated. : Tag-based masking policies offer an alternative to specifying the masking policy in a CREATE TABLE statement, which helps to simplify table DDL management. メタデータについて: 注意. Syntactically equivalent to SHOW GRANTS TO USER current_user. logging in), a user can change the role for the session using USE ROLE . TO SHARE command to add a database to the share and then selectively grant access to specific database objects (schemas, tables and secure views) to the share. ML. For more information, see Enabling non-ACCOUNTADMIN Roles to Perform Data Sharing Tasks. alter masking policy. MAX_CLUSTER_COUNT = num. A role used to execute this SQL command must have the following privileges at a minimum: Only the database role owner (i. To resize the warehouse back to its original size, you will need to execute another ALTER WAREHOUSE command. To request this change, please contact Snowflake Support. alter model modify version. account_usage. 99) for the policy, as defined in the CREATE NETWORK POLICY examples. ALTER ACCOUNT. alter schema. Concurrent queries never observe the same value, and values within a single query are always distinct. Supported range: 0 to 999, inclusive. Hans Henrik Eriksen. : Sign in to Snowsight. e. Grant the custom role to the appropriate users. Snowflake protects this user in the target account by failing in the following scenarios: Step 4. そうしないと、例外がスローされます。. Database modifications include the following: Changing the name of the database or changing the Time Travel data retention period (if you are using Snowflake Enterprise Edition or higher). Administrators can choose to assign the masking policy either at table creation or by assigning the policy to the tag, which uses tag lineage. The number of minutes can only be set by Snowflake (Default: NULL) and is intended as a temporary workaround to allow user access to Snowflake. rather non-obviously, you need an ALTER USER statement: ALTER USER [ IF EXISTS ] < name > ABORT ALL QUERIES. 개별 사용자는 이 명령을 사용하여 특정 ALTER USER コマンドを実行するか、 Classic Console を使用してパスワードをリセットまたは変更する場合、Snowflakeはパスワードポリシーを評価して、新しく作成されたパスワードがパスワードポリシーの要件と一致することを確認します。 Aug 5, 2023 · 2) Can MFA be enabled for another user? (i. alter table If you wish to use MFA for more secure login, you must enroll using the Snowflake web interface. The identifier can contain the schema name and database name, as well as the function name. Modifies the properties for an existing tag, including renaming the tag and setting a masking policy on a tag. Also Ownership of a share cannot be transferred to another role. Snowflake manages load capacity, ensuring optimal compute resources to meet demand. We accessed the Snowflake account using just the basics, then we created an example user so To allow an account role to create a Snowflake Cortex ML-Powered Function model (forecast, anomaly detection, or classification) in a in a schema, grant the appropriate privilege on the schema to te role. To increase the size of a warehouse, do one of the following: Snowsight. alter packages policy. As part of the user creation process, remember to grant roles, system-defined or custom (if you created any), to the users. alter stage. In this step of the tutorial, you create a user with a name, a password, and some other properties. Each change is specified as a clause consisting of the column and column property to modify, separated by commas: Use either the ALTER or MODIFY keyword to initiate the list of clauses (i. The Preferences page appears: Click the Enroll in MFA link and follow the instructions provided in the wizard. If you are implementing federated authentication for the first time, refer to Configuring Snowflake to use federated authentication. Specifies the maximum number of days before the password must be changed. To convert an existing view to a secure view and back to a regular view, set/unset the SECURE keyword in the ALTER VIEW or ALTER ALTER DATABASE. Enterprise Edition Feature. alter pipe. In addition, the identifier must start with an alphabetic character and cannot contain spaces or special characters unless the entire identifier string is enclosed in double quotes, such as "My object". The user identifier, user_name, is the value of the name column from the output of SHOW USERS. The security or privacy officer creates and defines masking policies and applies them to columns with ALTER TAG. 既存のデータベースのプロパティを変更します。 データベースの変更には、次が含まれます。 データベースの名前またはTime Travelデータ保持期間(Snowflake Enterprise Edition以降を使用している場合)の変更。 Sep 2, 2020 · The ACCOUNTADMIN role has the privileges to create a share. If a policy is added to the database object, all rows are protected by the policy. Specifies the identifier for the schema to alter. When the secure UDF or secure view is accessed from the data sharing consumer account, this function always returns a NULL value. alter row access policy. Can also be used to abort all queries (and other SQL statements) submitted by the user. The meaning of each privilege varies depending on the object type to which it is applied, and not all objects support all privileges: Privilege. Use the database and schema that the Streamlit in Snowflake app was created in, not the database and schema Use the CREATE SHARE command to create an empty share. Modifies the properties for an existing custom role. Creating Secure Views. MFA サポートは、Snowflakeが包括的に管理する Duo Security サービスを搭載した、Snowflakeに統合済みの機能として提供されます Dec 9, 2019 · There is an example in case if you want one general procedure which allow rotate only user owned key. I need to update the display_name of a user in Snowflake. » Edit account name. Optionally set the new custom role as the default role for the user. login_history. Syntax of the statement: ALTER USER [ IF EXISTS ] RENAME TO ; Example of the statement: ALTER USER test_user RENAME TO user_test; The output of the above statement: as you can see, the above statement is successfully run in the below image. A value of zero (i. Create the users who will log into the reader account and query data shared with the account, as well as perform any other tasks you choose to allow. Syntax. At query runtime, Snowflake goes through the following process: Snowflake determines whether a row access policy is set on a database object. If the identifier contains spaces or special characters, the entire string must be enclosed in double quotes. This is set or unset based on when user enrolls in MFA or MFA is disabled for the user, respectively. Use the Size drop-down to select the new warehouse size. alter model drop version. alter materialized view. by changing the step size). alter network rule. alter sequence. Add IP address 192. Specifies the ID for your Office 365 tenant that the allowed and blocked storage accounts belong to. The public key is assigned to the Snowflake user who uses the Snowflake client to connect and authenticate to Snowflake. 2x multiplier to resource consumption. A multi-cluster warehouse is defined by specifying the following properties: Maximum number of clusters, greater than 1 (up to 10). Lists all the roles granted to the current user. ANOMALY_DETECTION. If you have an existing SSO implementation that uses the SAML_IDENTITY_PROVIDER account parameter, follow the steps below to migrate your SSO implementation to a SAML2 security integration: One of the steps to configure key pair authentication for Snowflake is to assign the public key to the Snowflake user, as can be seen in step 4 of the documentation about SnowSQL and other drivers and connectors: To configure the public/private key pair: From the command line in a terminal window, generate a private key. deprecated (Sherpa Consulting) 4 years ago. FIRST_NAME = 'Bertram'. The public key fingerprint is located in either the RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_FP or the RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_2_FP property. A user who executes the ALTER FAILOVER GROUP REFRESH command to refresh objects in a target account from the source account must use a role with the REPLICATE privilege on the failover group. 1. ロールの名前を( RENAME TO new_name パラメーターを使用して)変更する場合、このコマンドを実行するロールには、 CREATE ROLE グローバル権限も必要です。. If you want to force users to access the account using the new account URL, clear the Save Current URL checkbox. Only a single primary role can be active at a time in a user session. “Name ID Transform”) for the claim rule. Specifies the number of minutes until the temporary lock on the user login is cleared. ALTER DATABASE¶. How to increase the warehouse size. The operation also adds any new data files in the specified location to the metadata. Permissions to be able to run this: GRANT CREATE USER ON ACCOUNT TO <role>. If a user identifier includes spaces or special characters or is case-sensitive, then the identifier must be enclosed in double quotes (e. To use the variable in Snowflake UI, you will use ‘$’ to denote the variable. alter model. To update an existing SAML2 security integration to support forced re-authentication to access Snowflake, follow the steps below: Execute the ALTER SECURITY INTEGRATION command to update the security integration: ALTER SECURITY INTEGRATION my_idp SET SAML2_FORCE_AUTHN = true; Copy. To use a role, the role must have been granted to the user. com'. use role securityadmin; CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE SET_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY(RSA_PUBLIC_KEY VARCHAR) RETURNS VARCHAR NOT NULL LANGUAGE SQL EXECUTE AS OWNER AS $$ DECLARE user VARCHAR DEFAULT (SELECT CURRENT_USER()); BEGIN alter user IDENTIFIER(:user) set RSA_PUBLIC_KEY = :RSA_PUBLIC_KEY; return alter function. Jan 18, 2024 · You can't really use ALTER USER xxx SET RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_FP = 'xxx', even if the ALTER USER documentation list RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_FP and RSA_PUBLIC_KEY_2_FP in the objectProperties as one of the properties that you can set, it's not really the case. 'EXT_AUTHN_DUO' property cannot be set directly while creating or altering user. ALTER SESSION SET sessionParams ALTER SESSION UNSET <param_name> [, <param_name>, Develop with Snowflake. via ALTER USER or during CREATE USER, may be by using the "EXT_AUTHN_DUO" property?) No. Use the following SQL to create a user with Key Pair Authentication: LOGIN_NAME = 'bertram. Data providers add Snowflake objects (databases, schemas, tables, secure views, etc. 0) indicates that the password does not need to be changed. name. cooper@scdp. Disabling or enabling a user¶ Disabling a user prevents the user from logging into Snowflake. Authentication policies provide you with control over how a client or user authenticates by allowing you to specify: The clients that users can use to connect to Snowflake, such as Snowsight or Classic Console, drivers, or SnowSQL (CLI client). If you want to change the name of an organization, for example to change a system-generated name to a more user-friendly one, contact Snowflake Support. Additionally, when this property is adjusted (via an ALTER USER username SET DEFAULT_ROLE='rolename' statement), no validation is performed over the role name that is set. Account administrators can continue to change user passwords using the web interface under Account » Users, or through SQL using the ALTER USER command. Description. This feature requires Enterprise Edition or higher. To recover the management costs of serverless compute resources, Snowflake applies a 1. A tag is a schema-level object that can be assigned to another Snowflake object. DEFAULT_ROLE. ) to a share using either or both of the following options: Option 1: Grant privileges on objects to a share via a database role. Can be used to modify any type of parameter (account, session, or object) at the account level. 시스템의 기존 사용자에 대한 속성과 오브젝트/세션 매개 변수를 수정합니다. CREATE SNOWFLAKE. タスクが再開されると、Snowflakeは、タスクに対する OWNERSHIP 権限を持つロールが、タスクに割り当てられた セッションは、ユーザーがSnowflakeに接続し、Snowflakeプログラムクライアント、 Snowsight 、または Classic Console を使用して正常に認証されたときに開始されます。. Set Incoming claim type to: E-Mail Address. Oct 1, 2018 · Sorted by: 9. Therefore, you must wrap the variable inside the Please note that the user name and the login name are different. SET AUTOCOMMIT = TRUE). What we'd really like to do is have Use Secondary Roles turned on by default so that individual users don't have to be told to run the command manually. LIMIT rows. Review the graph and table for Fail-safe storage. ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] All. In addition to being defined by its type as either Standard or Snowpark-optimized, a warehouse is defined by its size, as well as the other properties that can be set to help control and automate warehouse activity. When a user is granted a role, the user can perform all the operations that the role allows, via the privileges that were granted to the role. Mar 29, 2022 · Case 1: Creating user account using the variable in Snowflake UI. Specifies the maximum number of clusters for a multi-cluster warehouse. A tag can be assigned an arbitrary string value upon assigning the tag to a Snowflake object. Snowflake creates a dynamic secure view (i. Secure views are defined using the SECURE keyword with the standard DDL for views: To create a secure view, specify the SECURE keyword in the CREATE VIEW or CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW command. 관리자는 이 명령을 사용하여 관리자에게 적절한 권한이 있는 모든 사용자의 속성 및 매개 변수 기본값을 변경할 수 있습니다. DEFAULT_NAMESPACE. a secure inline view) of the database object. マルチ This is useful for defining temporary users (e. alter service. Modifies an account. The allowed authentication methods A user object's DEFAULT_ROLE property is a string that is assigned a role name by value. When a task is suspended, any current run of the task (i. Jan 11, 2022 · If you use dbt User, Key Pair Authentication is a perfect complement to a Snowflake Instance with SSO support to avoid continuous external browser popups during development. Only the network policy owner (i. » Edit. AZURE_TENANT_ID = ' tenant_id '. alter streamlit. must_change_password (Boolean) Specifies whether the user is forced to change their password on next login (including their first/initial login) into the system. This article explains how to run an "ALTER SESSION" query statement followed by other SQL statements in a Task. However, when using create user SQL statement, ‘$’ sign is treated as a special character, hence it will fail to create the user account. Solution. Snowflakeサービスを使用する場合、お客様は、個人データ(ユーザーオブジェクト向け以外)、機密データ、輸出管理データ、またはその他の規制されたデータがメタデータとして入力されていないことを確認する必要があります。 Snowflakeは、データ型に関係なく、値のすべてのインスタンスを NULL に変換することに注意してください。たとえば、 2 が値として指定されている場合は、文字列または数値としての 2 のインスタンスすべてが変換されます。 例: Les utilisateurs individuels peuvent exécuter la commande ALTER USER sur eux-mêmes (c’est-à-dire, en spécifiant leur identificateur/nom d’utilisateur dans la commande) et modifier ce qui suit : DEFAULT_WAREHOUSE. When you contact Snowflake Support, you must decide whether users can temporarily access accounts in the organization using the original account URL. A single ALTER TABLE statement can be used to modify multiple columns in a table. For more information, see User management. A user can specify or change their current default role using ALTER USER. 255. 注意. Read the latest on our blog. users with the ACCOUNTADMIN role) to set and unset: Feb 23, 2024 · The SNOWFLAKE user is a special user that is only used by Snowflake Support when access is needed (only with explicit permission and only with explicit grants chosen by an account administrator) to troubleshoot issues on accounts that Snowflake Support can't otherwise resolve. I was able to unset the current display name with the following: ALTER USER JOHNSMITH UNSET display_name; This was successful and now there is no display_name for the user. タスクの再開または一時停止( ALTER TASK RESUME または ALTER TASK SUSPEND をそれぞれ使用)には、タスクの OWNERSHIP または OPERATE 権限が必要です。. A storage integration can authenticate to only one tenant, and so the allowed and blocked storage locations must refer to storage accounts that all belong this tenant. You can also grant CREATE SHARE and IMPORT SHARE to other roles, enabling the tasks to be delegated to other users in the account. The parameter USE_CACHED_RESULTS = FALSE will make sure the result cache sitting in S3 is not used, but the cached data that is on the clusters SSD disks might still be used. Example. Jan 2, 2024 · January 2, 2024. The serverless compute model can still reduce compute costs over user-managed warehouses; in some cases significantly. alter session policy. Sorted by: 4. While the 'Disabled' flag is set on the Snowflake user, no one can connect as that user. Flexibility. Enrollment requires a smart phone with a valid phone number and the Duo If the AUTOCOMMIT parameter is set to FALSE at the account level, then set the parameter to TRUE for the individual task (using ALTER TASK . Snowflake A user with the ACCOUNTADMIN role can also set the MIN_DATA_RETENTION_TIME_IN_DAYS at the account level. In other words: Account and security administrators can still create users with passwords maintained in Snowflake. このパラメーターは、 WAREHOUSE_SIZE パラメーターと一緒に使用する必要があります。. Any changes made to the tag go into effect when the next SQL query that uses the To rename an account using Snowsight, or SQL: Snowsight. Use the filters to select a Storage Type of Storage. Aug 16, 2022 · Step 3: Rename USER in SnowFlake. For more details about identifiers, see Identifier requirements. The following command sets the default role for user smith: Nov 15, 2022 · Updating the display_name in Snowflake. To obtain the public key fingerprint associated with the user in Snowflake, execute the DESCRIBE USER command. About owner’s rights in Streamlit in Snowflake. I believe the following will do the trick: ALTER ACCOUNT SET TIMEZONE ='America/<select zone>'; You can select the most appropriate zone amongst these: IANA Time Zone Names. alter procedure. This parameter setting enforces a minimum data retention period for databases, schemas, and tables. For instructions, refer to Configure Snowflake OAuth for custom clients. 168. Identifiers enclosed in double quotes are also case-sensitive. Specifies the new identifier for the schema; must be unique for the database. Object Type. Additionally, multi-cluster warehouses support all the same properties and actions as single-cluster warehouses, including: Jan 7, 2021 · 1 Answer. go. g. This cache isn’t the result set, but some or all of the data that was needed to run the query. The command can only be executed by: Account administrators (i. Microsoft Azure. In the Add Transform Claim Rule Wizard dialog: Enter a name (e. If a session policy is not set, Snowflake uses a default value of 240 minutes (i. Snowflakeサービスを使用する場合、お客様は、個人データ(ユーザー The timeout period begins upon a successful authentication to Snowflake. A network policy cannot be dropped if it is currently assigned to an account, security integration, or user. Required parameters¶ name. Warehouses are required for queries, as well as all DML operations, including loading data into tables. See Identifier requirements for details. For more information, see Limitations. Available to all accounts. So, if you were hoping to login to Snowflake as a different user name then please use syntax similar to the following: ALTER USER MY_USER SET LOGIN_NAME = MY_USER_LOGIN_NAME; Conclusion. alter stream. With federated authentication enabled for your account, Snowflake still allows maintaining and using Snowflake user credentials (login name and password). Select Preferences from the dropdown menu next to your login name. 4 hours). The owner role does not inherit any permissions granted to the owned database role. Share your feedback. If not supplied, snowflake will use name instead. Also used to rename an account and to assign resource monitors and tags to an account. To inquire about upgrading, please contact Snowflake Support. In the Account Name box, enter the new account name. 0/24) and blocked list ( 192. jp kg af ee sw nk rr yx tn bd