Mycred documentation

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Mycred documentation. me account > My Downloads; Go to the WordPress Admin Dashboard > Plugins; Once you are on the plugins page you can see the “Add New” button in the top left corner. This hook allows you to reward your users with points for rating content on your website using the WP-PostRatings plugin. Nov 3, 2023 · The Log. Once you’re on the Achievement page, on the left side of the page there’s a form to create an achievement which requires, Name Oct 30, 2023 · The [userpro] Shortcode. Nov 6, 2023 · Navigate to the WordPress Admin Dashboard → myCred → Tools. Examples 1: Show a user history with default settings. [mycred_my_badges show="all"] This shortcode will show the user who is viewing it their earned badges. Notify users Specific to the ranks. View Documentation. badges. Introduction . This shortcode allows you to display all published badges. Whenever a registered user will donate on a campaign so he/she will either be rewarded with badges/Points or can be deducted with points. mycred_buy is the little brother of mycred_buy_form allowing for very simple, straight forward purchase link to a specific payment gateway. To show all badges, please use the mycred myCRED - Ultimate Member. This shortcode will not show all badges no matter if a user has earned them or not. me account > My Downloads; Go to the WordPress Admin Dashboard > Plugins; Once you are in the plugins page you can see the “Add New” button in the top left corner. The Thousand Separator, Decimal Separator and Number of. If you are using WooCommerce and the Gateway add-on, there is really no need to also use buyCred add-on just for selling points. csv from your local storage. myCred REST API Introduction myCred REST API enables the heroic engineers of various tech stacks to use the point system with their superheroic projects. Once the page has reloaded, your main site setup will be enforced on all other sites. While ranks are based on a user’s balance, badges are based on a user’s points history, like the number This shortcode will generate an anchor element for buying creds according to given attributes. Donation forms will be placed on main page of website. [mycred_chart_circulation] This shortcode will render charts based on the amount of points that currently exists amongst your users. In order to create a badge, it is mandatory to create an achievement first which will help the Admin to categorize the badges accordingly. 4 myCred gained support for multiple point types allowing you to set up an unlimited number of point types. This means that a user will potentially have multiple balances, one for each point type they are not excluded from. To keep track of this, myCred stores balances under their “point type key” which is used as the meta_key. Download. Under the Plugins menu, select “Add New”. By default all users are returned for each rank but you can change this to any number. Note that the available extensions will depend on which myCred plan (free or premium) you have installed on your website. Head to myCred > Add Nov 1, 2023 · Import/Export Points This tool allows you to import and export user points. Select Point Type. By default, the balance is displayed formatted with a Oct 30, 2023 · Email Notifications Add-on Introduction This add-on allows you to create point related email notifications, that are sent to your users, your administrators or both. myCRED. WP-PostRatings Actions. When the user enables Central Deposit and custom reference shortcode attribute the points are deducted and central account receives a deposit. credit card details. Core Settings Each point type’s core settings consist of four sections: Label – Handles the point types label in singular or plural format. Navigate to the Plugins > Add New. Example 1: Default usage. Select Import/Export from the tab. Click on the Import User Points button to start importing the user points data. The Sell Content add-on allows you to sell access to the content field of posts / pages or custom post types. The payment gateways that come built-in to the buyCred add-on. Nov 1, 2023 · Step 1. 3 or higher) [mycred_my_balance wrapper=0 title_el="" balance_el=""] Example 4: Show balance for a custom point type. Nov 3, 2023 · Once you are happy with the features you want to use alongside your point type (s), go to your Network Admin area and visit the myCred page using the admin menu. Oct 30, 2023 · myCred LearnDash (Topics) myCred LearnDash (Groups) Disallowing buying points for specific courses. On the top of the page click on the “Add New” button. Users can always unsubscribe from receiving these emails. You can use the shortcode multiple times to mycred_link. . Getting Started . The customer message is the message that is shown to the user as they select this gateway on the checkout page. Point type keys are sanitized using Nov 3, 2023 · Usage Examples Here is a small sample of examples of how myCred can be used on a WordPress-powered website, along with what each example requires. These results are based on references. Partial Payments Partial payments allows users to pay for parts of the order using points. There are several Hooks for performing the several Oct 30, 2023 · Badge Editor Introduction View Demo The MyCred Badge Editor platform provides Admin with a user-friendly interface to create custom badges, set badges properties, and define the rules for badges distribution and usage. [userpro template=mycred_history] Example 2: Show a profiles history and make it “public” allowing users to view each others history. 5. myCred Progress Map Introduction myCred Progress map lets users to track their progress and view steps to achieve the specific badge. Download the zip file from your mycred. Pending purchases occur when a user has not selected to cancel a payment or if a payment was unsuccessful. Different Types of Course, Lesson, Topic, Quiz. May 22, 2023 · myCred BuddyBoss Integration Introduction View Product The integration has been geared up with Multiple hooks that can be set to award mycred points when a BuddyBoss Platform event is triggered, the hooks have been designed and integrated with a thorough thought process as they cover nearly all the aspects of the BuddyBoss Platform like Follow Oct 30, 2023 · Gateway Setup Once you have enabled the plugin on your website, the myCred payment gateway option will become available in your Easy Digital Downloads settings page. 4. g. Figure 2. And click on myCred tab. Example 1: Let users exchange the default point type to a custom point type at a rate of 1 for 1. When using this filter, keep in mind other scripts that also use Oct 30, 2023 · View Product View Documentation myCred Learndash Add-on This plugin allows you Gamifications Game add-ons allows you to run games on your website where users can win points. Navigate to the Admin Dashboard > Points > Achievements. Oct 30, 2023 · To activate this hook, navigate to myCred default point type menu→ Hooks→ Drag and drop the Memberpress One Time And Recurring Subscription Payment hook and drop to active hooks to activate the hook functionality. Navigate to the Points > Add-ons. In the top left corner next to the “Add Plugin” title, click on the “Upload Plugin” button. [mycred_my_balance] Shows either a specific users balance or the current users balance. In order for us to detect a specific instance, we often need to “hook” into a third-party plugin or a specific WordPress instance via a action or filter hook Oct 30, 2023 · 2024. This title will be shown on the checkout page describing the payment option and in the admin area when viewing an order and how it was paid. Click here to view the detailed technical documentation. In myCred 2. [mycred_give] Used to give points to the user that views this shortcode. Examples. 9; WordPress 5. Oct 30, 2023 · Yes 2 No. Oct 30, 2023 · 2024 Power by. 5. The user will be able to share their achieved badges on social media platforms. Enable the general settings option by clicking on the checkbox. Notify users on reaching a specific point balance. Click the “Add New” button and upload the zip file of a plugin that you’ve downloaded from mycred. This shortcode is the opposite of the mycred_show_if Oct 30, 2023 · myCred Pending Points Introduction View Product myCred Pending Points allows the admin to hold the awarded points in the pending state for the specified time. Each time a user is to gain or loose points, the request is passed through this filter to allow external parties or custom code snippets from stopping a transaction. The remaining amount is paid using one of your active gateways. Introduction myCred WooCommerce Plus will fuse the myCred points management system with WooCommerce by awarding Coupons when a rank is achieved or when a badge is earned through myCred. myCred for GD Star Rating. Oct 30, 2023 · Introduction. Once enabled, all point types you have registered on your website will be inserted into the WooCommerce Currency dropdown for you to select from. This option will allow the Admin to display these Example 2: Show pending payments for a custom point type: [mycred_buy_pending ctype="customtypekey"] This shortcode allows you to show your users their currently pending buyCRED purchases. Description. This shortcode allows you to award or deduct points from the current user when their click on a link. Note that this shortcode will show all badges and not just the badges a user has earned. View Product Category myCred PacMan myCred Pacman is a maze arcade game that integrates into myCred Point Management System enabling the admin to award points to users who Oct 30, 2023 · Statistics Add-on Introduction View Demo This add-on will be completely re-written in version 1. Go to Page 🡪 Add New Page 🡪 Insert Shortcode Block. This add-on will provide you shortcode that will render html progress bar and radial progress of rank and badges of given current logged in user. [mycred_leaderboard number=10] Example 2: Show bottom 10 users with the lowest balance first. The Points will be multiplied with the defined figure. Add-ons Adds a given amount of creds to a specific user. Set up Limit on the total number of emails to be sent. This means that the posts title, excerpt, featured image, comments or any other custom field / feature added to the post is not touched by the add-on. Insert your conversion rate as per your wish even in decimal points. Unlike other hooks, this hook is setup by editing your products and not on the usual hooks page in your admin area. 3. Oct 30, 2023 · myCred WooCommerce Plus Requires WooCommerce 3. The documentation includes a step-by-step configuration guide and troubleshooting. Percentage: Reward May 22, 2023 · Download the zip file from your mycred. Hover on any badge and click on the Edit hyperlink. Format –. Once you’re on the Settings page, click on the Badges to open the settings. You could use this to query a users balance on a different site or make remote transactions by for example building a payment gateway that myCred manages. Once the add-on has been enabled, all gateways you have installed will become available on the “Payment Gateways” page in the myCred menu. 4, myCred has built-in support for managing multiple point types. May 22, 2023 · ProgressBar Add-on Introduction This add-on is available in version 1. Locate and select the zip file you downloaded and click “Install Now”. Oct 30, 2023 · Getting Started; Points for Asking a Anspress Questions Hook; Points for a New Answer in Anspress Hook; Points for Voting Up in Anspress Hook; Points for Getting a Vote Up in Anspress Hook Oct 30, 2023 · Store Rewards. myCred MemberPress add-on Requirements. If the user is excluded from using myCRED or the particular point type Oct 30, 2023 · Installation. The only thing that is not logged is if you as an administrator edits a users point balance without a log entry. The chart is segmented if you have more than one point type setup. mycred_default. 0 The Remote API allows you to connect multiple myCred installations running on separate websites by sending action requests between them. Should only be used when you need to show data for a custom point type. This way, your html template will be used for each user row. This is done in the wp-admin area by editing the user in question. Click on the “ Gamipress Import Achievements ” button. You can create badges that are awarded automatically as the user gains or loses points, or create manual badges that administrators assign, or both. No. The gateway works just like any other payment gateway you might be using in EDD but instead of charging users real money it charged them points. For variable products, as of version 1 Oct 30, 2023 · Manual badges requires an administrator to assign the badge to each user. Point Based Stores The Gateway add-on allows you to setup stores where all products are sold using points instead of a real currency. Then we call myCred shortcode on any page in our site to render Paystack Form. This shortcode will always generate a link, even if the user viewing it has already clicked on it / reached their limit or if the shortcode is viewed by a user that is logged out. Nov 6, 2023 · Central Deposit This addon will let the admin to mention the account from where the points will get deduct or add Go to the Add-ons page Activate Central Deposit add-on Central Deposit Settings: Click on the Central Deposit tab on myCRED menu. We are offering 24/7 support for customers. Make sure myCred Badges add-on is activated. To show a users earned badges, please use the mycred_my_badges shortcode instead. 7. [mycred_transfer ref="donation" button="Donate" pay_to=123] Note: In a normal scenario Central Deposit does not get involved when there is a transfer between different users. Points and Badges on Specific Activities. Uses Chart. Post authors, administrators and those who have paid for the content will on the Oct 30, 2023 · First we will need to enable the gateway and set a title. At the bottom of the Badges settings Social Sharing button style option is present. me account. Nov 6, 2023 · Social Share Back-End Configuration Navigate to Admin Dashboard → myCred → General Settings. This guide requires basic understanding of PHP. 0. 2. This function will validate and a given coupon code and if the coupon can be used, redeems the coupon. The myCred Log is one of the most important part of myCred. Oct 30, 2023 · mycred_add Package: mycred/balance Category: Filters Description This filter is one of the most central filters in myCRED. Reward users with points every time they rate published cont Free. Activate the Badges add-on. CSV Files In computing, This shortcode returns a list of users for each role in descending order. 8 myCred has Oct 30, 2023 · Remote API The myCred Remote API allows you to execute points related commands remotely. This shortcode allows you to show the balance of the user viewing the shortcode or a specific user. Nov 1, 2023 · In 1. Oct 30, 2023 · Log API. 0+ DOCUMENTATION. From the dropdown menu, select the Oct 30, 2023 · myCred Time Based Reward Introduction myCred Time Base Reward allows you to configure rewards that your users will be able to claim in a time you want. Make sure to choose the myCred plugin with the token icon and the author “ myCred ”. In this log, you have a complete historic overview of how points have been awarded or deducted from your users. Remember to check. After the hook has been activated it can be set according to the preferences and requirements of the admin as to how they want Oct 30, 2023 · myCred Shortcodes [mycred_affiliate_id] Package: mycred/core Category: Shortcodes Description This shortcode is used by the “Points for referrals” hook which allows your users to gain points for referring visitors and/or signups. Besides giving you a complete overview, the log is Oct 30, 2023 · Accessing Balances Since myCred stores balances as a custom user meta in the database, you can access a users balance using the get_user_meta function that WordPress provides. Badges This tool gives an option to the user to import and export specific or all user badges. Oct 30, 2023 · myCRED_Hook Package: mycred/core Category: Classes Description This is an abstract class used to construct myCRED Hooks. To create a new rank, go to the Ranks page in your admin area for the point type you want to create a rank for. Click Settings. 9. This add-on allows you to create badges – a visual token of achievement. Setup Hooks As of version 1. The point type we want to show data for. Here is the collection of all addons of myCred: Enhancements, Gamifications, Third-Party Bridges, Store Gateway, BuyCRED Gateways & Freebies. Example 3: Remove all wrappers and only show the balance. 7+ in order to add support showing progress of rank & badges on the front end of your website. In order to assign a badge to a user, you myCred GiveWP Introduction This plugin works for ‘Donation’ feature. Type the myCred into the search field and hit enter. Getting Started. Having multiple Example 1: Default usage: [mycred_buy_form] Example 2: Pre-set amount to be 100 points. Now it’s time to configure add-ons for your rewards program. All the badges are present in this section. With that being said, it’s important to remember that using the functions / classes myCred provides to access a balance, also adds support for some of the core myCred Dec 8, 2023 · myCred Pacman Arcade Game Introduction myCred Pacman is a maze arcade game that integrates into myCred Point Management System enabling the admin to award points to users who plays the game. myCred Todo List. Join Our Membership Club & Gain Access to 50+ Add-ons & Numerous Benefits. 1. You can use the [userpro] shortcode to show a users points history by setting the template attribute to “mycred_history”. You have one “sidebar” called “Active Hooks” where you drag hooks you want to use. Oct 30, 2023 · Yes No 1. Each product you edit, you can select to reward with either one or multiple point types. ctype. If you select to enable myCred Network-wide, you also gain access to Multisite-related features, not normally accessible on regular WordPress installations. Documentation. Oct 30, 2023 · myCred Email Plus. The gateway add-ons built-in support for WooCommerce allows you to setup point reward systems where your users can earn points by purchasing products and then pay for future orders using those points. However no points will be paid out unless the user Example 1: Default usage: [mycred_my_badges] Example 2: Show all badges, even those the user has not yet earned. myCred WooCommerce Plus helps admin to award points on their WooCoomerce Store using myCred points management system in a different manner. Nov 3, 2023 · The add new rank admin screen. Aug 4, 2022 · Yes No 1. Estimated reading: 0 minutes 1094 views . The statistics add-on will convert your log data into charts to help visualize points usage and points circulation on your website. You can also import badges based on title, slug. Go to your websites wp-admin area and visit the Plugins page. [mycred_chart_top_instances] This shortcode will render a list of the most common ways your users gain / spend points on your site. Then we give points we want to buy. Whether you are an Angular Ninja, React Rockstar or Ruby Gem you can use myCred within your apps. Installation Log in to your WordPress Admin Panel. Point Type Settings Under each point type menu in your admin area you will find the Settings page. Since version 1. This hook allows you to reward your users for buying a WooCommerce product in your store. First we Enable Paystack Payment Gateway in myCred > Payment Gateways. Nov 1, 2023 · Yes 3 No 9. Oct 30, 2023 · Checkout When a user selects to buy points on your website, they are either redirected to a payment processors website or we need to collect details from them to capture a payment e. Here, under the “Personal Options” section, you will find all myCred related details, such as a users balance or balances if you have more than one setup. If you are existing user of WooCommerce – Partial Payment Addon, there will be an update version 1. Click “Add New” button and upload the zip file of a plugin which you’ve downloaded from mycred. This also means that if the “content” is stored or managed outside the content field, Oct 30, 2023 · Gamification For WooCommerce. Once the users balance has been updated, a new log entry is made under the given reference. Example 1: Show a leaderboard based on balances with the top 10 users. Admin can create a map with multiple color option of complete and incomplete levels, show map in vertical or in. May 22, 2023 · Some of the features are built-in and ready to go as soon as myCred and WooCommerce are enabled while others are available via built-in add-ons. Each point type must have a unique lowercase meta key ID and an official name. Nov 3, 2023 · Since version 1. Notify users on gaining a specific badge. Import Data While you can always import data manually or by using some custom script, the plugin comes with three built-in import scripts to help you out. Then we need to select our transaction mode and add details for Paystack Checkout Window and also give Paystack API Keys. These importers will become available as soon as myCred has been enabled and installed on the Tools > Import page in your admin area. mycred_buy_form offers far more options then the Oct 30, 2023 · Global Reward Setting Go to WooCommerce > Settings > myCred Click Display Rewards option Scroll down to Global Reward Setting. May 22, 2023 · Yes 1 No 2. myCRED is an adaptive points management system for WordPress powered websites, giving you full control on how points are gained May 22, 2023 · Partial Payments - WooCommerce We have introduced myCred WooCommerce Plus Addon which includes the functionality of WooCommerce – Partial Payment and some other amazing features. myCred LearnDash (Quizzes) LeaderBoard Based on myCRED Points. js 2. myCred 2. Introduction Let your Oct 30, 2023 · Third-party Plugin Support View Plugins Built-in Support View Plugins Nov 2, 2023 · The add-on comes with built-in support for five online payment operators and a manual gateway for bank transfers. Selling Points buyCred is not the only way for you to sell points on your website. This shortcode will return the unique referral ID of the user who views the shortcode. You can use it to connect sites and share information or transfer points between users. myCred rewards Points on different events completed through Lifter Learning Management System (such as Points are awarded upon completion of lesson, section, course and deducts if students fails). Nov 1, 2023 · Yes 2 No 4. An Open Badge column is also present which highlights that the badges are open or not. [mycred_buy_form gateway="paypal-standard"] This shortcode will generate a html form for purchasing creds. Nov 1, 2023 · Multisites myCred has built-in Multisite support since version 1. Consuming Power Pellets (big blinking dots) will turn ghosts into blue, consuming them will give users Oct 30, 2023 · When an unregistered user or non-logged-in user open the page where mycred_woocommerce_referral is being used then the plugin asks to either login or register to continue, based on these attributes and the value defined in them the plugin will redirect to the respective pages which are given in the respective attribute. Enable Reward Points on Cart total. To import all Gamipress achievements into myCred. It contains a set of predefined methods to help hook constructions. Once all Gamipress Achievements have been imported successfully. Oct 30, 2023 · myCred for Events Manager Pro. (required 1. User will earn points by consuming pellets while dodging four colored ghosts. Engage user in a more attractive way by displaying their progress in multiple levels. Accessing Your Network Settings In order for you to be able Oct 30, 2023 · Hook API. You will get the message Nov 2, 2023 · Navigate to the Admin Dashboard > Points > Badges . Creating a Point Product. Add-on Setup Just the Content The add-on only sells the content field. Oct 30, 2023 · Getting Started; Points for Asking a Anspress Questions Hook; Points for a New Answer in Anspress Hook; Points for Voting Up in Anspress Hook; Points for Getting a Vote Up in Anspress Hook Oct 30, 2023 · To activate the Badges add-on. 0+ PHP 7. Each time myCred gives or takes points from a user on your website, the transaction is logged in a dedicated table that myCred installs in your database. This page is generated on the same URL where Oct 30, 2023 · Leaderboard Customizations By default, the leaderboard will be rendered as a table which consists of three columns: The position, The member and the Points. We have also added an option for the user to export specific or all point types. Go to WooCommerce tab. Step 4: Activate Add-Ons. [mycred_exchange from="mycred_default" to="customtypekey"] This shortcode allows your users to exchange one particular point type for another based on an exchange rate that you set for the shortcode. Have fun! Just Points Just by enabling myCred and creating your first point type, you instantly give all your. 8 in order to add support showing statistics on the front end of your website. Different Badges for Course, Lesson, Topic, Quiz. This is done on a dynamically generated “Checkout” page. How you end up using myCred is entirely up to you. [/mycred_hide_if] This shortcode allows you to hide parts of your content for those who fulfil the requirements you set. 0; MemberPress 1. Example 7: Hide content if the current user is: logged in have at least 100 tokens (a custom point type) [mycred_hide_if balance=100 ctype="customtypekey"]Hidden content. This shortcode is used by the “Points for referrals” hook which allows your users to gain points for referring visitors and/or signups. Click on Partial Payments option. Oct 30, 2023 · Please read the following guide before updating. Here, select to enable (or disable) the Master Template feature and click “Save Network Settings”. string. Here you will find your point related settings and the settings of most add-ons. By default, points are awarded immediately after an event is triggered but the admin can delay the process so that the admin can review the log and decide whether to May 22, 2023 · Remote API - version 1. Select Reward Type. The cases are depending on following scenarios: Award/Deduct points on making a ‘donation’ Download the zip file from your mycred. The myCred Hook API can help you connect your favorite WordPress plugin with myCred by setting up custom instances where points are awarded to a user for a certain action. Each point type you create will gain it’s own admin menu where you can view each individual point type log entries, settings, and hooks. The add-on works by filtering out and replacing the content the users sees using appropriate templates. Get Started. In this guide I will show you how we can add in our own custom column along with replacing existing columns contents with our own. myCred BuddyBoss Integration Introduction This integration comes with myCred Point Management System & Lifter Learning Management System together. Navigate to the WordPress Admin Dashboard → Plugins → Add New. Open the General Settings tab. [mycred_leaderboard number=10 order="ASC"] Example 3: First show the top 3 users then in a new shortcode we show the next 10 users down the list. Users can view each transaction, select to cancel Mar 20, 2023 · Furthermore, when you select Hook Documentation, you can access detailed tutorials for using the hook in question. With just some controls, you will be able to create time-based rewards with rewards to being claimed by your user and set the recurrence time you want. Once you successfully install and configure the extension, you will be provided with. 4. Click on the Points tab. This Addon will automatically give coupons to Users as soon Example 7: To view the content, the current user must be: logged in have at least 100 tokens (a custom point type) [mycred_show_if balance=100 ctype="customtypekey"]Content hidden by this shortcode[/mycred_show_if] This shortcode allows you to show parts of your content for those who fulfil the requirements you set. 0 or higher! This Add on isn’t supported with any Vendor Plugin. 2 you can find the settings in myCred Core Menu -> Badges. [mycred_buy_form amount=100] Example 3: Pre-select PayPal as the payment gateway used in this form. This is optional. Place the [mycred_cashcred] Publish/Update. Oct 30, 2023 · Shows a users position in a leaderboard based on either balances or points history. “Hooks” allows you to give or take points from your users automatically when they perform a specific task. As a minimum requirement you must set a Rank Title! If you do not, WordPress auto assign a numeric title like 123. You can use this to keep track of point related events or inform your users when they gained or lost points. Click on the “ Install Now ” button in the top right corner. Nov 2, 2023 · Achievement Types. It will restrict any specific product to be displayed, Oct 30, 2023 · myCred Paid Membership Pro Introduction This plugin is designed to reward/deduct points on following triggers: Reward points on purchasing of new membership Reward points on renewing an expired membership Reward points on cancelling a membership Reward/Deduct points on expiration of purchased membership Admin can configure points reward on specific membership or multiple memberships along with Oct 30, 2023 · ShortCode [mycred_cashcred] Place the shortcode on any page or post to render the cashCred form. Besides serving as a record of the transaction that you might show to your users for accountability, the log is also used to enforce limits or to reward e. When Global Reward Setting is enabled it will override the single product points reward value. Hooks dragged out of the sidebar are disabled. Click on the Upload Jan 29, 2024 · 1. 4, supporting both being used on specific sites only or being enabled on all sites. On the plugins page, you’ll see the “ Search Plugins ” field on the right side. With our myCRED extension, reward or charge your users for using Ultimate Member features and doing profile updates and show their rank and badges beautifully in their user profile. In the import section, click on the Choose File button and select the raw-point. Get help for using myCred plugins, documentation, and troubleshoot potential bugs in your WordPress plugin. Fixed: Reward points with fixed value on cart total regardless of total amount. View Product Installation Guide The plugin is installed just like any other. Email Notifications. Instead, you can use the point payout system for products to sell points. If you want to customize the layout of each row, you can create your own template and wrap this shortcode around it. 3 which will switch you automatically on myCred WooCommerce Plus. This is referred to as the Store Rewards System and is available since myCred 1. 7, myCred Hooks are managed just like WordPress widgets. iz xa mk lu ob cm bt rc pi cy